Transfer Explorer at SCTEA
Chris Buonocore at SCTEA
Transfer Explorer at SCTEA
Chris Buonocore at SCTEA
Presented on:Social Learning Across Content Case Study: Hypothesis & JSTOR
Alex Humphreys (ITHAKA), Jeremy Dean (Hypothesis) and Leysia Palen (UC Boulder) at CNI Spring
Presented on:Breaking into Prison: Bringing Library Resources to Incarcerated Learners
Ryan McCarthy at Code4Lib 2023
Presented on:Library as Platform
Alex Humphreys in a NISO Webinar panel discussion on "Library as Platform"
Presented on:Social Learning Across Content
Alex Humphreys, Nick Brown (VitalSource), Dan Whaley (Hypothesis) and Chris Shaw (Hypothesis) at Social Learning Summit 2022
Presented on:A Case Study in User Needs for Text Analysis
Jessica Smith at NISO The User Experience: Just Fix It
Presented on:Policy and Access to Educational Materials in HEP Programs
Alex Humphreys and Kurtis Tanaka (Ithaka S+R) at CEA Council of Directors 2021
Presented on:How the Plant Humanities Lab Uses IIIF to Foster Interdisciplinary, Image-Centered Research
Ron Snyder, Alex Humphreys and Ashley Buchanan at an IIIF Community Session.
Presented on:Constellate Technical Webinar
Constellate Technical Webinar
Presented on:Unlocking JSTOR & Portico for Text Analysis & Pedagogy
Amy Kirchhoff ER&L 2021
Presented on:Creating Infrastructure for Teaching Text Analytics
Alex Humphries ASIS&T 202
Presented on:Breaking Down Barriers to Higher Education in Prison: Access to Library Resources
Alex Humphreys at a GlobalMindED Webinar
Presented on:The Future of Search and Discovery
Alex Humphreys and Christine Stohn (Ex Libris) at NISO Plus 2020
Presented on:Kent Digital Maps Symposium
Prof. Carolyn Oulton, School of Humanities, Canterbury Christ Church University, at a symposium on her Kent Digital Maps project with JSTOR Labs.
Presented on:Providing Offline Access to High-Quality Library Resources in Prisons
Alex Humphreys at National Conference on Higher Education in Prison
Presented on: