Labs Week
Building JSTOR Snap
JSTOR Snap enables you to take a picture of any page of text and get a list of research articles from JSTOR on the same topic. Watch this video to learn how we built it in one week.
Labs Week
Building JSTOR Snap
JSTOR Snap enables you to take a picture of any page of text and get a list of research articles from JSTOR on the same topic. Watch this video to learn how we built it in one week.
• 1 min readJSTOR Snap
The Concept
Introducing JSTOR Snap, which lets you search JSTOR using your phone's camera.
• 2 min readNYPL Open E-book Hackathon
Reflowing Page Scans for Small Screens
Introducing ReflowIt, which reflows page images for optimal viewing on smaller screens.
• 3 min readUnderstanding Shakespeare
The Data
This is the third post in our Understanding Shakespeare series. In the first two posts Alex described the partnership and process behind the project. In this post we’ll take peek under the hood to look at the approach used in the content matching. The core idea that we wanted
• 3 min readUnderstanding Shakespeare
The Process
On the process we used to create Understanding Shakespeare.
• 3 min readUnderstanding Shakespeare
The Partnership
Introducing Understanding Shakespeare and our partnership with Folger Shakespeare Library
• 2 min readHelping Teachers Find Reading Assignments
Introducing Classroom Readings, which shows the most-frequently-taught articles from JSTOR.
• 2 min read