Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition
The Poster
By Jason Przybylski. A poster featuring the JSTOR Labs-JSTOR Plants project, [Livingstone’s Zambezi Expedition], presented as part of the 15th Smithsonian Botanical Symposium on May 19, 2017.
Livingstone's Zambezi Expedition
The Poster
By Jason Przybylski. A poster featuring the JSTOR Labs-JSTOR Plants project, [Livingstone’s Zambezi Expedition], presented as part of the 15th Smithsonian Botanical Symposium on May 19, 2017.
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In December, when we first announced our Reimagining the Monograph project, one of the outputs of that project was a white paper. We released that paper as a draft for comment in the hopes that the community’s feedback would help to strengthen it. I couldn’t be more impressed
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Graduating JSTOR Snap
JSTOR Snap "graduates."
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Is That Even a Thing
How does a heavyweight research technique like ethnography fit into a lean user research process? Hint: It doesn’t. We cheated. #worthit #sorrynotsorry
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Hear about how Amy and Amir find research they need with this new type of search called Text Analyzer:
• 1 min readUnder the Hood of Text Analyzer
The Text Analyzer (https://www-jstor-org.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/analyze) is a new way to search JSTOR: upload your own text or document, Text Analyzer processes the text to find the most significant topics and named entities (persons, locations, organizations) in the text and the recommends similar or related content from JSTOR.
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Introducing Text Analyzer
Introducing Text Analyzer, a new way to search JSTOR.
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...and Filling in the Details One Piece at a Time
And filling in the details one piece at the time. Introducing Reimagining the Monograph and Topicgraph.
• 2 min readUnderstanding the US Constitution
Understanding the US Constitution is a free app from JSTOR Labs that enables you to find every article on JSTOR that quotes a given part of the Constitution. This short video shows you how it works.
• 1 min readThe Equalizer
An Iterative UX-Design Process
The UX evolution of a new way to filter and sort search results.
• 4 min readRembrandt Project Image Matching
In the Exploring Rembrandt project conducted earlier this year by the JSTOR Labs and Artstor Labs teams we looked at the feasibility of using image analysis to match images in the respective repositories. The JSTOR corpus contains more than 8 million embedded images and the Artstor Digital Library has more
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By Jake Silva. Introducing an experiment using JSTOR Labs' matchmaker algorithm on presidential speeches.
• 2 min readIntroducing "Understanding the U.S. Constitution"
Everyone should carry the US Constitution in their pocket.
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You Got Your Chocolate in My Peanut Butter
Introducing a new way to find scholarship about Rembrandt's masterpieces.
• 2 min read